Monday, October 7, 2013

2013 GAMCA Basketball Coaches Clinic Recap

The inaugural GAMCA Basketball Coaches Clinic took place at Charles Drew High this past Saturday. It was a prime example of the same coaches who teach and emphasize execution coming together to execute an event that was definitely a "W" for all involved.

There were on-court demonstrations, dialogue, and interaction that made the day fly by, relatively speaking. I'm sure the day seemed much longer for Coach Izzy Ingle's Gordon State College team who provided the manpower for every coach's on-court demonstration. For each of the seven accomplished coaches who spoke, you had skills and drill sessions being performed by the Highlanders - they did a lot, they learned a lot, and they showed a lot on behalf of Coach Ingle and their basketball program down there in Barnesville, GA
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Below, is the lineup of speakers that were on hand for the event.
Anthony Grant, Head Coach - Univ. Of Alabama: “Defensive Philosophy” (archived webcast)
Brian Gregory, Head Coach - Georgia Tech: "Ball Screens and Pick & Roll Offense" (archived webcast)
Ron Hunter, Head Coach - Georgia State University: “Fast Break Into Early Offense” (archived webcast)
Lewis Preston, Head Coach - Kennesaw State: “Special Situations” (archived webcast)
Nitra Perry, Head Coach, Women's Basketball - Kennesaw State: "Zone Offense" (archived webcast)
Cliff Warren, Head Coach - Jacksonville University: "Player Skill Development" (archived webcast)
Sharman White, Head Coach-Miller Grove: “Building a Rock Solid Defense in Practice” (archived webcast)

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